Forgive Me Father, For I Have SInned

2024, found objects, stainless steel, aluminum, nickel, silicone, 40” x 23” x 11”

Certain sects of Christianity have historically condemned homosexuality, leading many LGBTQ+ individuals to hide their identities out of fear of rejection, conversion therapy, or excommunication. These views often stem from cherry-picked Bible verses, despite no definitive biblical condemnation of gay sex or marriage.

Growing up immersed in Christian culture in the U.S., I created this piece as a badge of honor, merging queer and Christian symbolism.

I deconstructed the traditional rosary, reconstructing it with sex-positive elements: anal beads resembling prayer beads, a dildo reminiscent of a cross, and tab-set objects like a blue rhino pill and poppers bottle—iconic performance enhancers.

These components are connected by body piercings and leather bits from a harness, symbolizing queer and alternative communities.


Aluminum Bra


The Game of LIFE