Acid Rain

2023, brass, nickel, stainless steel, glass bead, 12” x 3.5”

Everything hand fabricated except for the jump rings/chain & iridescent glass beads.

This necklace was Inspired by #6 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Ensure availability & sustainable management of clean water and sanitation for all.

Natural causes can form acid rain but is more often formed by burning fossil fuels, manufacturing, oil refineries, electricity generation, and vehicles that release sulfur and nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere.

Acid rain/pollution of otherwise clean water contributes to eliminating aquatic species from lakes/streams, forest degradation, corrosion of metals, deterioration of buildings, lung disorders and related diseases in humans.

This necklace took around 16-20 hours to make and is a reminder of our harmful contributions to the environment.


Wave Ring


Garnet Ring